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Kip Petroff is a lawyer located in Dallas, TX. He is currently focusing on representing people injured by Smith & Nephew hip implants.  If you think you might have a legal claim due to your Smith & Nephew hip implant surgery, please contact Kip today.


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Kip Petroff is now accepting Smith & Nephew hip implant cases.

Smith & Nephew Hip Implant Questionnaire

If you think you might have a legal claim due to your
please fill out the easy hip implant questionnaire.

Free Consultation

Attorney Kip Petroff offers a free legal consultation to
prospective clients who might have a claim after receiving

Request Free Consultation
Kip Petroff, Attorney At Law

Smith & Nephew Hip Implant
Legal Information

If you are researching legal issues related to Smith & Nephew
hip implants, view the collection of legal materials Kip has compiled.

Smith & Nephew Hip Implant Legal Information
Smith & Nephew Hip Implant Legal Page

Smith & Nephew Hip Implant Cases

For those searching for Smith & Nephew hip implant legal information, Kip has compiled a section with important documents such as FDA regulatory activities, court documents and filings, legal cases and more.

Smith & Nephew Hip Implant Legal Questionnaire

Smith & Nephew Hip Implant Questionnaire

If you think you might have a legal claim related to your Smith & Nephew hip implant, please click here for the Smith & Nephew Hip Implant Questionnaire.


If you think you might have a legal claim due to your Smith & Nephew hip implant surgery, please call 972-294-7530 or click below to fill out our consultation form so that Kip may contact you.

Free Consultation Form

Timeline of Smith & Nephew Corporate Actions and Items Leading to Legal Issue:

This timeline is dedicated entirely to tracking Smith & Nephew’s (S&N) involvement with metal hip implants until the FDA yanked metal hip implants from the market in February 2016.
It includes color coding to make it easier to track certain aspects of the company’s dubious involvement in selling metal hips in the U.S.

Color Legend: FDA Regulation (blue)FDA MoM Activity (green)Foreign Regulatory Activity (gray) | S&N Activity (purple)Criminal Activity (orange)

Click anywhere on the timeline below to interact with it.  You may zoom in/out and scroll up/down to view more events. Clicking on any event will open more details and you can then toggle forward or backward through all events.

About Attorney Kip Petroff and
Smith & Nephew Hip Implant Litigation

Kip Petroff is not a generalist who takes all kinds of cases. Kip Petroff’s primary focus is on representing people who have suffered injury due to Smith & Nephew hip implants.

Kip Petroff has achieved success in many areas of complex personal injury litigation over the past four decades. This experience includes jury verdicts involving medical devices, prescription medicines (such as Fen-Phen litigation), medical biologics, aviation, and medical malpractice.

Kip is an advocate for people, their rights and their health.  He looks forward to helping those wronged by faulty medical devices, currently focusing on Smith & Nephew hip implants.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer a free consultation?

Yes! Kip will gladly set up a free phone consultation about your potential Smith & Nephew hip implant case. We won’t play phone tag! An appointment for the call will be arranged in advance via email.

Please click here to complete the Free Consultation Request.

Can you help me with my Smith & Nephew hip implant claim?

If you think you might have a legal claim due to your Smith & Nephew hip implant surgery, please click here for to fill out the Hip Implant Questionnaire.

What kind of cases do you take?

Kip Petroff focuses on representing people who have received Smith & Nephew hip implants and who might have a claim against Smith & Nephew. By representing people in only Smith & Nephew hip implant cases, Kip gives his clients and their cases the dedication and undivided attention they deserve.

If you think you might have a legal claim due to your Smith & Nephew hip implant surgery, please click here to fill out the Hip Implant Questionnaire.

Now accepting Smith & Nephew hip implant cases.

Expert legal advice about Smith & Nephew hip implant cases
